Solutions Modeling Dynamics of Life 3ed Adler - Chapter 7.5

7.5.1 Suppose that the allele A for height is dominant, meaning that plants with genotypes AA and Aa are tall, while those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 3/4 of the offspring should be tall. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following. Exactly three out of four offspring are tall.
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7.5.2 Suppose that the allele A for height is dominant, meaning that plants with genotypes AA and Aa are tall, while those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 3/4 of the offspring should be tall. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following. Exactly six out of eight offspring are tall.
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7.5.3 Suppose that the allele A for height is dominant, meaning that plants with genotypes AA and Aa are tall, while those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 3/4 of the offspring should be tall. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following. One or fewer out of four offspring are tall.
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7.5.4 Suppose that the allele A for height is dominant, meaning that plants with genotypes AA and Aa are tall, while those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 3/4 of the offspring should be tall. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following. Two or fewer out of eight offspring are tall.
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7.5.5 Compute the coefficient of variation of the binomial distribution in the following cases. p =0.5, n =100.
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7.5.6 Compute the coefficient of variation of the binomial distribution in the following cases. p =0.5, n =25. Why is the coefficient of variation larger than in Exercise 5?
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7.5.7 Compute the coefficient of variation of the binomial distribution in the following cases. p =0.9, n =25.
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7.5.8 Compute the coefficient of variation of the binomial distribution in the following cases. p =0.1, n =25. Why is the coefficient of variation larger than Exercise 7?
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7.5.9 When there are more than two outcomes of a trial, the distribution of all possibilities is described by the multinomial distribution. Consider an additive pair of alleles A and a, where an offspring of a cross between two Aa individuals is tall (with genotypeAA) with probability 0.25, is intermediate (with genotype Aa) with probability 0.5, and is short (with genotype aa) with probability 0.25. Count up all possible ways for the following to happen and find the associated probabilities. Out of three offspring, one is tall, one is intermediate, and one is short.
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7.5.10 When there are more than two outcomes of a trial, the distribution of all possibilities is described by the multinomial distribution. Consider an additive pair of alleles A and a, where an offspring of a cross between two Aa individuals is tall (with genotypeAA) with probability 0.25, is intermediate (with genotype Aa) with probability 0.5, and is short (with genotype aa) with probability 0.25. Count up all possible ways for the following to happen and find the associated probabilities. Out of three offspring, one is tall, and two are intermediate.
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7.5.11 When there are more than two outcomes of a trial, the distribution of all possibilities is described by the multinomial distribution. Consider an additive pair of alleles A and a, where an offspring of a cross between two Aa individuals is tall (with genotypeAA) with probability 0.25, is intermediate (with genotype Aa) with probability 0.5, and is short (with genotype aa) with probability 0.25. Count up all possible ways for the following to happen and find the associated probabilities. Out of four offspring, two are tall, and two are intermediate.
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7.5.13 There is a formula for the multinomial distribution (Exercises 9–12) describing probabilities when there are more than two outcomes of a trial. Suppose there are three possible outcomes of each trial, numbered 1 through 3, with probabilities ..., and .... If there are n trials, the probability that there are exactly ... outcomes of the first type, ... outcomes of the second type, and ... outcomes of the third type is ... Consider the genetics described in Exercises 9–12 involving an additive pair of alleles A and
a. Use the formula for the multinomial distribution to compute the following probabilities and compare with the earlier result. Out of three offspring, one is tall, one is intermediate, and one is short (as in Exercise 9).
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7.5.14 Out of three offspring, one is tall, and two are intermediate (as in Exercise 10).
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7.5.15 Out of four offspring, two are tall, and two are intermediate (as in Exercise 11).
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7.5.15 Out of four offspring, two are tall, and two are intermediate (as in Exercise 11).
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7.5.16 Out of four offspring, one is tall, two are intermediate, and one is short (as in Exercise 12).
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7.5.18 Suppose that the alleles A and a for height are additive, meaning that plants with genotype AA are tall, plants with genotype Aa are intermediate, and those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 1/4 of the offspring should be tall, 1/2 should be intermediate, and 1/4 should be short. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following if a cross produces six offspring. Find the expectation and the mode of the number of intermediate offspring.
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7.5.19 Suppose that the alleles A and a for height are additive, meaning that plants with genotype AA are tall, plants with genotype Aa are intermediate, and those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 1/4 of the offspring should be tall, 1/2 should be intermediate, and 1/4 should be short. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following if a cross produces six offspring. Find the probability that the number of tall offspring is less than or equal to the mode.
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7.5.20 Suppose that the alleles A and a for height are additive, meaning that plants with genotype AA are tall, plants with genotype Aa are intermediate, and those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 1/4 of the offspring should be tall, 1/2 should be intermediate, and 1/4 should be short. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following if a cross produces six offspring. Find the probability that the number of intermediate offspring is less than or equal to the mode.
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7.5.20 Suppose that the alleles A and a for height are additive, meaning that plants with genotype AA are tall, plants with genotype Aa are intermediate, and those with genotype aa are short. If an Aa plant is crossed with another Aa plant, 1/4 of the offspring should be tall, 1/2 should be intermediate, and 1/4 should be short. Assuming that the other conditions for the binomial distribution are met, find the probabilities of the following if a cross produces six offspring. Find the probability that the number of intermediate offspring is less than or equal to the mode.
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7.5.21 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. The probability that exactly seven out of ten are occupied.
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7.5.22 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. The probability that all ten are occupied.
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7.5.23 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. Find the mean number of islands occupied.
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7.5.24 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. Find the variance of the number of islands occupied.
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7.5.25 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. Find the mode of the number of islands occupied.
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7.5.26 Consider two sets of ten islands. In the first set, each island has a 0.2 chance of switching from empty to occupied, and a 0.1 chance of switching from occupied to empty. The equilibrium fraction occupied is 2/3. In the second set of ten islands, all are occupied if the weather is good (probability 2/3) and all empty if the weather is bad (probability 1/3). Compute the following for both sets of islands. Sketch the probability distribution for each set of islands. Why does the second set fail to follow the binomial distribution?
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7.5.27 Find the probabilities of the following events. Consider the mutant genes described in Section 6.2, Exercise 27, where a wild type gene has a 1.0% chance of mutating each time a cell divides and a mutant gene has a 1.0% chance of reverting to wild type. Suppose that four genes start out normal. Find the probability that there are two or more mutants after one division, after two divisions, and after a long time.
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7.5.28 Find the probabilities of the following events. Consider the lemmings described in Section 6.2, Exercise 28, where a lemming has a probability 0.2 of jumping off the cliff each hour and a probability 0.1 of crawling back up. Suppose that five lemmings start at top. Find the probability that more than half of the lemmings are at the bottom after 1 h, after 2 h, and after a long time.
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7.5.30 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2 per minute, compute and graph the probability distribution describing the number remaining at the following times. 2 min.
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7.5.30 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2 per minute, compute and graph the probability distribution describing the number remaining at the following times. 2 min.
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7.5.31 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2 per minute, compute and graph the probability distribution describing the number remaining at the following times. 5 min.
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7.5.32 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2 per minute, compute and graph the probability distribution describing the number remaining at the following times. 10 min.
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7.5.33 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2/min never to return, find and graph the following probabilities as functions of time. Exactly one remains. At what time is this probability a maximum?
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7.5.34 Starting with five molecules, each leaving with probability 0.2/min never to return, find and graph the following probabilities as functions of time. Exactly two remain. At what time is this probability a maximum?
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7.5.35 Suppose that ten independent experiments are run, in which five molecules begin inside a cell and leave with probability 0.2/min and never return. Using the results in Exercise 29, find the probability that exactly three out of ten such experiments have exactly four molecules after 1 min.
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7.5.36 Suppose that ten independent experiments are run, in which five molecules begin inside a cell and leave with probability 0.2/min and never return. Using the results in Exercise 31, find the probability that exactly five out of ten such experiments have exactly one molecule after 5 min.
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7.5.37 40 molecules begin inside a cell. Each leaves independently with probability 0.2/min. Find the expected number remaining inside as a function of time.
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7.5.38 40 molecules begin inside a cell. Each leaves independently with probability 0.2/min. Find the mode at t =1, t =2, and t =3. Indicate whether the mode is equal to, greater than, or less than the mean.
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7.5.39 40 molecules begin inside a cell. Each leaves independently with probability 0.2/min. Compute the variance. At what time is it a maximum?
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7.5.40 40 molecules begin inside a cell. Each leaves independently with probability 0.2/min. Find the coefficient of variation of the number remaining inside as a function of time. Is it an increasing or a decreasing function?
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7.5.41 Example 6.1.5 from Section 6.1, which illustrates stochastic immigration, was generated by adding two individuals with probability 0.5 and zero individuals with probability 0.5 for 100 generations. The results in the figure show final populations of 106 and 96. How can these results be described in terms of the binomial distribution?
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7.5.42 Example 6.1.5 from Section 6.1, which illustrates stochastic immigration, was generated by adding two individuals with probability 0.5 and zero individuals with probability 0.5 for 100 generations. The results in the figure show final populations of 106 and 96. What is the expected number after 100 generations?
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7.5.43 Example 6.1.5 from Section 6.1, which illustrates stochastic immigration, was generated by adding two individuals with probability 0.5 and zero individuals with probability 0.5 for 100 generations. The results in the figure show final populations of 106 and 96. What is the variance after 100 generations?
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7.5.44 Example 6.1.5 from Section 6.1, which illustrates stochastic immigration, was generated by adding two individuals with probability 0.5 and zero individuals with probability 0.5 for 100 generations. The results in the figure show final populations of 106 and 96. Write the probability of exactly 106 in terms of the binomial distribution.
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7.5.45 Unbeknownst to the experimenter, a cell contains two different types of molecule, one which is inside with probability ... and the other which is inside with probability .... Suppose there are two of each type of molecule. Suppose .... Find and graph the probability distribution for the total number inside. Find the expectation and the variance.
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7.5.47 Unbeknownst to the experimenter, a cell contains two different types of molecule, one which is inside with probability ... and the other which is inside with probability ....Suppose there are two of each type of molecule. Suppose .... Find and graph the probability distribution for the total number inside. Find the expectation and the variance (this can be written as the sum of two binomial random variables).
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7.5.47 Unbeknownst to the experimenter, a cell contains two different types of molecule, one which is inside with probability ... and the other which is inside with probability ....Suppose there are two of each type of molecule. Suppose .... Find and graph the probability distribution for the total number inside. Find the expectation and the variance (this can be written as the sum of two binomial random variables).
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7.5.48 Unbeknownst to the experimenter, a cell contains two different types of molecule, one which is inside with probability ... and the other which is inside with probability .... Suppose there are two of each type of molecule. It turns out that all four molecules are different and that .... Find and graph the probability distribution for the total number inside. Find the expectation and the variance.
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7.5.49 Simulate groups of 8 plants, each of which has a 0.25 chance of being tall. How long does it take until you get half tall plants? If you can automate the process, try the same with groups of 20 plants.
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7.5.50 Simulate groups of 8 plants, each of which has a 0.25 chance of being tall. How long does it take until you get half tall plants? If you can automate the process, try the same with groups of 20 plants. The probability ... that a molecule is inside a cell after t time steps is ... Suppose 100 molecules start out in a cell. Plot the probabilities that 50 molecules are inside at time t and that 10 are inside at time t as functions of t on a single graph with reasonable axes. Explain the shape of the curves. Is it more likely there are exactly 50 or exactly 10 molecules at time 12? What is a more likely number of molecules at this time? Compute the probability that exactly 10 molecules are inside at time 20 and indicate this point on your graph. Do the same for the probability that exactly 50 molecules are inside at time 8. Is the area under each curve equal to 1? Why or why not?
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7.5.51 Simulate groups of 8 plants, each of which has a 0.25 chance of being tall. How long does it take until you get half tall plants? If you can automate the process, try the same with groups of 20 plants. Consider a situation where two types of molecule leave a cell with different probabilities during each minute. The first leaves with probability ...and the second leaves with probability .... Suppose we begin with ... of the first type, ...of the second type, and a total of ...If we did not know the difference, the average probability is ... Simulate the number of molecules of each type that remain inside after 5 min, and then compare with the number out of n that would remain if they left with the average probability q in each of the following cases. How important is it to distinguish among types of molecule? ...
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